Visual Storytelling Challenge
Can you make a short film without using a single word? This is what the Visual Storytelling Challenge is all about! We collaborated with Tees Valley International Film Festival to have the winning film from this challenge screen at their 2023 festival!
Watch the winning film 'The Best Things in Life Don't Exist' by Sid Purvis below and watch all of the films submitted for this challenge on our 2023 Visual Storytelling YouTube Playlist.
Challenge Rules
LENGTH OF FILM: 5 minutes or less (including credits)
You film must not have any dialogue, narration, spoken or written words on screen (apart from title and credits)
You must not use any music that has vocals or words in the music
So that we know you made this film for the challenge you will need to take a BTS photos of you / team and show us you were filming during the challenge timeline
This could be with a phone with date on it, with a newspaper with date on it, etc.
You can upload these BTS photos to our Members HUB
You can upload these BTS photos to social media but you must tag us (Newcastle Film Club)
Somewhere within your credit sequence please include the line 'Made as part of Newcastle Film Club 2023 Visual Storytelling Challenge'
Film Challenge Prizes
First Place prize: The Best Things in Life Don't Exist by Sid Purvis
Winning film is screened at the Tees Valley International Film Festival who have kindly partnered with us for this challenge!
2 tickets to TVIFF (one for you, one for a friend!)
NFC Branded Notebook + Badge
Winning Film Uploaded to NFC's YouTube channel
Shoutout on NFC's social medias
Framed Certificate from NFC
Second Place prize: Quiet Please by Jack Golden & Andrew Nicholson
Film themed coffee table book
NFC Branded Notebook
Shoutout on NFC's social medias
Framed Certificate from NFC
Third Place prize: A Purfect Journey by Samantha Castro
NFC Branded Notebook
Shoutout on NFC's social medias
Framed Certificate from NFC